Thursday, January 18, 2018

Monster time!

I spent the afternoon a few weeks ago making these lil monsters....and they’ve sat on my desk ever since!! I just love these two goofy chappies, they are dies from Paper Smooches, some of those little pieces were a challenge but they’re soooo Cute the holding of my breathe was worth it!!!...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Class time!.....

I taught my first class of the year yesterday and it was great to be back in the classroom with ‘my ladies’! I’ve got a set of samples in the store for February...some super cute cards for Easter! Bunnies and chicks, sliders and wobblers they were so much fun to create, I can’t wait!! Monday February 5th usual 10:30 start. Call Scraps of Love to secure your class spot or kit....