Friday, December 19, 2014

January!'s not that far away!!!

I have two new classes on the calendar at Scraps of Love.
My first is a shaker card class on Monday 12th January 10:30 - 1:30.
5 cards all shakers! These were fun to create and I think they turned out really cute!

Next, a clear card class. Again 5 cards that all start off with a clear card stock base.
These always turn out cute and they're so easy!!! Monday 26th January 10:30 - 1:30 for this one. Call the store to sign up for your class spot or kit.

The Shakers...

and the Clear ones....

.....a clean, cute start to the New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I forgot to post these pictures on my blog, I posted them on my Face Book
page and then completely forgot about my blog....shame on me!!!
Both sets of cards were classes I taught during December. If you haven't already 
done so head over to Face Book and 'like' my page: Sticky Bits of Paper
I tend to post on there first, keep a look out I have samples for January classes
to post over the next few days!....January! Another year already?....Where did this one go?!?! 
Firstly this quick box and 6 cards, I did them as Thank You but you could turn them into any occasion you choose....

And then an Every Day selection...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Make & Take Time.....

This little happy is my upcoming make & take.
Join me at Scraps of Love on Wednesday 17th from 10:30 till 12:30
while supplies last, is it an ornament? Is it a gift tag? You decide!
I just know that I'll be keeping one for myself!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mmmm....smells lovely around here!

I told you I had something else to show you, well here it is....

My other 'passion'....candle making.
I've been making these little happies for about 10 years now off and on,
I used to only wholesale them into stores, for the last few
years paper crafting took over a little bit....well a lot really! Soooo this batch got made for The Hubby to give as gifts and I remembered just how much fun I had making them. I enjoyed making them so much I'm considering starting my candle business back up.....I'll keep you posted!

Monday, December 1, 2014

What happened to November?!?!

Oh my! My poor blog has been a little neglected of late!
November was a super busy month for classes, I had four...yes 4 going on!
Lots of prep, lots and lots of bits of paper...everywhere!
To start with I had a mini accordion album, How to build a Snowman in 5 easy steps, a cute little rhyme and places to put pictures or gift cards.

This is a condensed picture of the album, for larger pictures go to my post back in September 
and you'll get a better view.

Then came my Eight Little Reindeer mini album, a lovely rhyme about santa's reindeer, this album had pocket pages with tags in them for all your holiday photos. 

After this came my christmas card class four fun cards and a 'slider box' card.



Last but by no means least was my Santa's  Magic Key keepsake, a little rhyme and key to help santa get through the door instead of going down the chimney, because you know not all of us have a chimney!

So that was my November. Busy and so much fun!.....I'll be back tomorrow to show you what else I got to making in November, I'd tell you now but I think this post is quite long enough!!!...are you still awake?!?!?


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Little Happy

Got to stamp and color these little chappies this morning, I just LOVE them!
Turned my favorite coffee mug die cut into both a gift card holder and cocoa sachet holder....two
happies in one.....can't be bad!!!...

Oh Happy Day!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New stamps and a mini album

It seems such a long time since I posted on my blog! I've been prepping and teaching classes and of course letting my craft brain cell go to work to come up with some cute....well I think they are....Christmas projects, more on those later!
I ordered some new release stamps, and a couple of older ones from Stamping Bella and they arrived today!....

I can't wait to get these inked up!!! Before I can get to that I had some class prep to do, and a little mini album I needed to put some finishing touches to. Finally finished and this is for a Little Sweetie who is turning 1. It has loads of space for those special pics we take a gazillion of!....

Off to finish a little more prep, then it's break out the ink and let's get those beauties stamped!!!